The Quest for Knights and Magick

In my blog I plan to document my work to obtain the license for the Heritage USA game: Knights & Magick.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Email to Ed Pugh - Reaper Miniatures

Not that I am aware of or could discover, no one ever purchased it from the bankruptcy trustee. A company called Pewtercraft did purchase the K&M models, but their paperwork did not include the game rights. That said they would have gotten the trade name to use with the line so its muddy at best. That’s all I can pass along.

Best wishes,

Ed Pugh
Reaper Miniatures

James wrote:


I may have emailed you a few years ago – I can’t remember. I apologize in advance if you have already answered this question.

Do you have the rights to the old Knights & Magick (miniature ame) by Heritage USA?

If so, would Reaper be willing to discuss selling the rights?

If not, any idea who might hold the rights? I contacted the designed and he didn’t know but suggested I start with you.

I’m probably the biggest Knights & Magick fan. I played K&M for years as a kid and have many fond memories of the game. I’d like to obtain the rights in an effort to keep the game around. This isn’t a money making venture; as you can imagine the game is somewhat dated.

I would appreciate any response. I know you guys are busy.

Thanks in advance,

James Eastham
Portland, OR


At 3:48 AM, Blogger Telecoms said...

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At 2:18 PM, Blogger AlinCT said...

Dude, I picked up Knights & Magick at a local nerd shop last year in the used bin. Got everything save the box for $12. I've been able to find next to nothing about. Looks very cool though and want to try it sometime.

Good luck with getting the rights to it.


At 2:31 AM, Blogger Mad Guru said...

I am also a HUGE K&M fan from many years back! I've been a historical miniatures wargamer since I was a kid. Back in the early '80s, in my family's basement in Brooklyn, New York, my younger brother and our wargaming/RPG friends played huge games and even a big campaign using the rules and vast armies of 15mm MIke's Models figures -- ALL INDIVIDUALLY BASED, as per the rules. Most of our games were historical medievals, but a few used the "Magick" elements of the rules. Later I traced the origin of the incredibly cool margin illustrations in the rule-books to Howard Pyle's "OTTO OF THE SILVER HAND" -- which turned out to be a fantastic read, so "Knights & Magick" gave me a second round of enjoyment.

From time to time I've been searching the web for a copy of the rules set for years, without luck. Mine may still exist in a box in my own basement back in Brooklyn, but I now live in Los Angeles, so not much chance to track it down. I wish you luck on your quest and on behalf of all the other "Knights and Magick" fans out there (who knows, might be half-a-dozen of us, or several hundred, or thousands!), I thank you for taking it on!

At 2:35 AM, Blogger Mad Guru said...

Yikes, you haven't updated this blog since October 2005!!! My guess is you have dropped the gauntlet, so to speak, in regards to this quest!!! Oh, well, sometimes it goes that way. Still, you gave me a few minutes of joyful glee before the harsh reality hit home, so I thank you again!


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