The Quest for Knights and Magick

In my blog I plan to document my work to obtain the license for the Heritage USA game: Knights & Magick.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Initial Contact with the Designer - Arnold Hendrick

Mr. Hendrick,

I have to say that I’m probably you’re number one Knights and Magick fan. I still remember buying my first set many, many years ago.

Thank you for designing such a great game. I’ve had countless hours of enjoyment playing K&M.

Is there any chance you would be willing to sale the rights to the game? I would like to see the game preserved and have some ideas.

Please let me know and thanks again!


Arnold's Response:

Hi James,

I'm glad K&M has afforded you so much enjoyment. Regertably, the game was the property of Heritage USA, which declared bankruptcy in 1983. It's assets were sold by the bankruptcy court, and I have no idea who acquired what items. I would expect that if nobody acquired the specific rights to K&M (and I doubt anyone did, it wasn't that popular a product), somebody probably acquired "rightts to all other properties" which would have included K&M.

Some years ago, a fan of the Dwarfstar games researched the rights to those products, since he wanted to bring them back as downloadable products. That site is and seems to indicate that Reaper Miniatures had rights to those products. The guy who contacted me about the dwarfstar stuff was Joe Scoleri (email is ), and he created the website. You might contact him for more information about the fate of various rights, and who to contact about it.

good luck!

all the best,

Arnold Hendrick


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